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    What are 6 steps in the decision making process?

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    There is always a point in time where everyone has to a make an important decision in there life. Whether it’s buying a home, taking your company in a new direction, or choosing a college, making an important decision can be very difficult. When it comes to making these important decisions, in order to come up with the best or most logical decision one must follow a Decision making Essay model in some way. Not everyone thinks the same, so therefore there is no such think as just one universal decision making model. Everyone has there own views and follows a different guideline when it comes to making a decision.

    According to the University of Waterloo’s philosophy department, a decision making model consists of 6 steps: Define the problem, define the criteria, weigh the criteria, generate alternatives, rate each alternative on each criterion, and compute the optimal decision. When faced with a decision you must define problem that is forcing you to make or is causing you to make the decision as in step one. In step two you must define the criteria, for example what goals or objectives to you want to accomplish in your process of making your decision. If you’re making a decision about going to college what goals and accomplishment to you want to achieve while you’re in college.

    In step three, you must identify what criteria are going to affect your goals, for example: the location of the college you chose is it far or is it close. In step four generate alternatives, for example compile a list of schools to choose from. Step five; rate each alternative, for example if your going to college, which one of the college that you chose will give you thee best education in the field that you want to get involved in. and in the final step, step six make your decision, if you want a school that is not to far from home, and it give you the best of what your looking for, then choose that school. No one can say that they have not use a decision making model, when making a decision.

    When you’re making that important decision, you may not think your using a decision model, but you are when you analyze it. In my job field of computer selling and repair I’m forced to make decisions all the time. Everyday when I go to work, I meet a new customer, and that customer is looking to buy a computer. The first step would be defining the problem, like do they want a desktop or a laptop.

    Then I identify the objectives, like I want to get the customer the right computer and everything that they need for the computer, or what benefits are they going to get going with a laptop or desktop. Then I weigh the criteria. if the customer wants the freedom to move around then the choice would be a laptop, if they have the space to make a computer stationary then they can chose a desktop. Then there is the factor of which is going to give the customer the most features, desktop give you more power, but the laptop gives you more freedom.

    After this step, then I would come up with the choices of desktops and laptops, maybe 2 of each to chose from, and what thee benefits are of each one. Then after the choices are down to 1 or 2 and the customer wants more freedom and chooses a laptop then I would chose the laptop that best suit them, and get them all the accessories that they will need with they’re new laptop. With every decision of laptop or desktop requires critical thinking, because I don’t want to sell the customer something that they don’t need, because then the customer ends up not being satisfied with the product and they return it, therefore the store loses money, and it makes me look bad as a sales person, because I sold the customer the wrong computer. Decision making models are important in everyone’s life. Even though there are many different types, there all similar in some ways. With out using a decision making model or .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    What are 6 steps in the decision making process?. (2019, Mar 06). Retrieved from

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