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    The Great Gatsby Essay Thesis (539 words)

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    The Great Gatsby paints the picture of the way life was in the twenties. Thissociety has the characteristics of an egotist and one who pays no attention thecharacter of themselves. Fitzgerald’s style influences the reader to portraythis era as a carefree “do what feels good” society.

    However,Fitzgerald introduces the countless number of tragedies that take place. Throughdiction, imagery, and details Fitzgerald creates a morose tone. The writerevokes the reader’s feelings through particular words and their meanings. In thephrase, “. . .

    I began to look involuntarily out the window for othercars,” the word involuntarily grabs the reader. This phrase makes thereader feel melancholy for Gatsby because it it’s depressing for no one to cometo the funeral. It reveals how Nick and Mr. Gatz experience anticipation.

    Bothof them know devoutly that no one will come pay their respects to Jay Gatsby. Mainly because they wait half an hour for people to show up. Also, in the phrase”. . .

    his eyes began to blink anxiously” the word anxiously showsNick’s dolefulness for the lack of sympathy that Gatsby fails to receive. Theword procession reflects the despair and lack of friendship that Gatsbywitnesses in his life. The lack of companionship that Gatsby has cogitates howlonely and despondent he is. Through the uses of certain words the author helpsexpress feelings and emotions of the morose tone. Through imagery Fitzgerald canmake the reader feel like they are in the story.

    Water, specifically evokes thesenses. It describes how the procession of cars stopped in a thick drizzle. Thisdepicts how gloomy it appears outside. The reader can hardly see the three carsbecause of continuous soaking.

    They describe a motor hearse as “. . . horribly black and wet. ” A hearse normally portrays a solemn feeling, butthe words horribly, black, and wet allow the reader to feel the misery andmournfulness of death. The ground is soggy as someone splashes through it.

    Youcan smell the wet turf and feel the saturation beneath the feet. The use ofwater in the story aids the reader in understanding the morose setting. Fitzgerald uses certain detailed sequences to help explain the somberness of JayGatsby. In the first significant sequence Nick and Mr. Gatz wait for people toshow up at the funeral. This shows the lack of friends and well-wishers that arein Gatsby’s life.

    The reader feels cheerless for Gatsby due to the lack offulfillment he has in his life. Next, after a half hour the procession of threecars finally reaches the cemetery. This pathetic scene shows the products ofGatsby’s arrogant and cocky lifestyle. Because of his personality, very few cometo pay their respects. This is a very lugubrious situation.

    Finally, the scenein which the unidentified man comes to pay his respects helps the reader viewGatsby through a different perspective. Though Gatsby was not well liked, thislone stranger looked past the arrogant ways and saw an intellectual man. However, it it’s still poignant how no one comes to the funeral. Thesesignificant sequences give the reader better understanding of the morose toneand the emotional state of Jay Gatsby. Due to the way Fitzgerald portrays thepassage in slow motion to make the reader feel each emotion and see each imagein such vivid detail, it’s as if the reader is seeing it take place.

    Throughdiction, imagery, and details Fitzgerald produces a morose tone.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Great Gatsby Essay Thesis (539 words). (2019, Jan 22). Retrieved from

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