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    The Extraordinary Science Of Addictive Junk Food Essay

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    “The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food” by Michael Moss addresses many issues with big companies and their thought process. Although Moss neglects to show the things that companies do right or do because the consumer desires it. He doesn’t bring to light the different options that big companies put out that are healthier for the consumer. Moss does a good job of pointing out what he believes to be the short coming of big companies towards their consumers. Are big food companies meeting our needs or creating them for us’should they have to set limits between meeting our genuine needs and making a profit for themselves? Moss’s point of view of the conscious effort to make food inexpensive and addictive is an accurate portrayal.

    Michael Moss brings to view the way companies strive to draw the consumer’s to buy their product and then to keep them buying more. Moss spent time interviewing scientists, executives, and former CEO’s to get a clearer picture of how these companies do this. Moss explains that when a product is failing to sell, companies opt to make packaging and logos brighter or more appealing to consumers; instead of pulling the product off the shelves. Moss also touches the fact that additives, like sugar and preservatives, are put into junk food that will enhance a consumer’s craving enough that they will go and purchase it more. Moss states companies like General Mills believe, why change something that taste good and that are selling, even if they are not the healthiest food for consumers. Michael Moss also discusses about an interview that he had with a former employee of Coca-Cola, Jeffery Dunn.

    The interview was in regards to introducing a low cost bottle of cola in Brazil. While on this mission for . .ms us about multiple people: former CEO’s, employees and executives that try to change the way big companies work with addictive food. Moss points out that all of these individuals have failed at changing the big picture of addiction foods, because big companies refuse to budge due to their increasing profit. Moss’s point of view of the conscious effort to make food inexpensive and addictive is an accurate portrayal.

    Personally, I feel that as a whole everyone needs to help with this change, not just the big companies adding less sugar and preservatives but the consumer’s learning their limits while eating junk food. There also has to be a way to make healthier food easier and more affordable for consumers. Consumer’s need to step up and stop being lazy about preparing their own food and start reading labels and acknowledging what is healthy for them and what is not.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Extraordinary Science Of Addictive Junk Food Essay. (2019, Feb 17). Retrieved from

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