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    The Department Of Homeland Security Act

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    When one thinks of security, they tend to think of being protected, free from harm or danger. There are various security threats that the world faces today. Threats could range from a series of cyber threats to terrorist attacks. We are incessantly encountered with catastrophic man-made and natural diseases. The Department of Homeland Security measures the nation ‘s vulnerabilities, meaning it takes initiative in leading and evaluating vulnerabilities and coordinating with other federal, state, local, and private entities to safeguard the most effective response. The creation of the country’s 15th Cabinet Department marked the largest reorganization of government since the Truman administration.

    The Department of Homeland Security Act was created a year after September 11th, 2001 to ensure the protection of the American border and the people; also to measure and monitor counterterrorism. Since 2002, there have been six Secretaries of Homeland Security. The Secretary of Homeland Security has the ability to impact and shape the agenda of how the United States of America executes and defends the various players that try to attack us. Secretary Michael Chertoff, when compared to the other five secretaries can be viewed as someone who had some gray areas, but successfully executed and transformed the duties of this position, which was sought before him. His work and expertise over the years as Secretary of Homeland Security through President Bush administration and the beginning of President Obama’s administration shows his ability to maintain professional and remain committed to protecting the American borders and people.

    To fully understand the role of Security of Homeland Security, one should begin to understand the organization of this role. Homeland Security evolved from a federal cry out or responds to crises. After the September 11th, terrorist attacks in the United States unalterable changed the status quo; because billions of dollars were being spent, several laws were written, policies were developed, creations of several agencies; but people were looking towards the government for guidance. According to the White House, the Department of Homeland Security was created to aid the President in strengthening foreign affairs, border patrol, and threats against America through potential threats, such as, cyberspace, fraud, and terrorist attacks. Congress formulated a document (formally known as the Homeland Security Act 2002), which established the Department of Homeland Security, as an executive department of the United States. Also, the mission of this department is to prevent terrorist attacks within the United States. According to by O ‘Hanlon , Orszag and et al (2002), the most important and primary role of Congress was to create what is seen today as the functioning organization Department of Homeland Security.

    The Department of Homeland Security was created through the integration of twenty-two different federal departments and agencies into a unified organization (Chertoff, 2015). Unfortunately, the strategy that was best for this type of job is as followed: Acknowledging that while we must continue to focus on the persistent and evolving terrorist threat, we also must recognize that certain non-terrorist events that reach catastrophic levels can have significant implications for homeland security. By creating this department, it presented a reinforced homeland security enterprise and America that is more protected and better equipped to confront the threats we face short or long-term.

    After, the tragedy events of September 11th, 2001, Thomas J. Ridge a twice elected Governor from Pennsylvania became the first Assistant to the President for Homeland Security in 2001, in January 2003, became the first Secretary of Homeland Security.

    According to Secretary Chertoff, in 2005 after being nominated by President Bush he was already in place working on homeland security matters. Secretary Chertoff was already involved due to being in charge of the Criminal Division at the Department of Justice department. Secretary Chertoff was involved in the initial development of the counter terrorism strategy, after September 11th. He felt that he had familiarity with the issues that had surfaced and he believed that, “This job was very important and I felt comfortable with the issues that were at hand. Also, I felt that it would have been a patriotic move for me to step down from being a judge and take on the role of Secretary of Homeland Security.” (Chertoff, 2015).

    Secretary Chertoff is often the person that is constantly speaking or interviewing with media or the Council of Foreign Relations, or expressing what America needs to do in order to guarantee safety. However, to understand the role of Secretary Chertoff, one should first understand Chertoff from a different perspective.

    He graduated from Childhood did not shape his career. He grew up during the Cold-War period and different security environment. Years as a Federal prosecutor and dealt with many organized cases involving the Mafia. This mean that he had the familiar experience to investigate things. Influenced him to

    In 2005, Secretary Chertoff consolidated the twenty- two agencies in to on one department with the Six-Point Agenda. The six-point Agenda was the foundation for implementing policies. This was Secretary Chertoff’s stamp to ensure that the Department’s policies, operations, and structure are aligned and addressed in the best way when it comes to both present and future potential threats that face our nation. This six-point agenda was designed to guide the department to changes in homeland security and will: 1) Increase overall preparedness, particularly events, 2) Create better transpo use operation directory to unifying the planning and execution of the dept. wide initiative. DOD joint operations concerning military operations.

    Relationships with the other National Security Council: Very good relationships with the other members. Secretary Rob Gates very supportive of areas and authority with homeland security issues. Worked close with the senior people Sec. Rice. And the FB I and Justice dept. senior level smoothly among the various dept. bush focused on sec. issues. Clear between officials and made it possible to better understand security and involved. Making sure that every on he worked together.

    Gov. response Depends on the crisis and who the government has in that position that is willing out to carry out those duties. We have gotten better over time dealing with crises because we have different experinces. But this may not be the case always because different crises need different attention. Example that was used was EBOLA. Practice and proper planning.

    In closing, Emphasizing that as we secure the Homeland we cannot simply rely on defensive approaches and well-planned response and recovery measures. We recognize that our efforts also must involve offense at home and abroad (Protecting the Homeland). Prevent and disrupt terrorist attacks. To prevent and disrupt terrorist attacks in the United States, we are working to deny terrorists and terrorist-related weapons and materials entry. But we must continue to strengthen the foundation to ensure our long-term success. To fulfill these responsibilities over the long term, we will continue to strengthen the principles, systems, structures, and institutions that cut across the homeland security enterprise and support our activities to secure the Homeland. But this department will not in itself make Americans safer, but can at least make an attempt.

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    The Department Of Homeland Security Act. (2019, May 02). Retrieved from

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