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    The Concept of Culture (467 words)

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    The word “culture” doesn’t have a certain definition to its name because of how many people interpret the words meaning. Our world is a fusion of different cultures, each one unique in its own way. “Culture is central to the way we view, experience, and engage with all aspects of our lives and the world around us. (pg. 4)”

    Culture can be expressed in many ways. It can be expressed through beliefs, behaviors, language, traditions, food, religion, food, fashion, politics, etc… A culture’s importance is so deep because it defines who and what we are as a human being. Cultures becomes the reason why we are able to identify and analyze what is going on around us.

    My cultural identity, as I know it as is Asian American. I was raised in a Filipino household. When I walk outside the house I’m in America, but inside I feel like I’m in the Philippines. I believe that my culture is very family orientated. You are suppose to respect your parents, and love your whole family and that’s including uncles, aunts, cousins, etc.

    The woman should support the husband no matter the circumstances. We don’t usually eat American food. Usually my mom goes out and buy food at Filipino markets or she makes it from scratch. I express my culture through sports. It gives me an opportunity to travel to different places and experience different cultures. I get to see their way of living and learn and connect with local communities.

    Culture is always contested and argued and most of the time will have no common ground. I would view my culture as a shared meaning. My parents have had information passed to them from past generations, and now they are passing it to me.

    My mom would always tell me that if I would be successful in this world that I must get an education. My mom had to take a boat from the Philippines all the way to America so she can attend dental school at UCLA so she would be able to support our family. She requires us to get an education so I can support my family and my kids can support their family.

    As much as family is important in my culture, but also religion is a big part of who we are. We practice Catholic as our religion. We go to Church every Sunday so we can wipe away the evil from our body. My mom would always tell me that God is always watching me no matter what and that if I ever feel lost or scared that I should pray because that is how our prayers can be answered. She would give rosaries to put in my car and room so I may be protected at all times.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Concept of Culture (467 words). (2021, Sep 28). Retrieved from

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