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    Strengths and Weaknesses: North vs. South Essay

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    Throughout the American Civil War, The North proved to be victorious to The South. The Union had a power and wealth, better economy and technology. There were many key factories: the money, the resources, the commanders, the manpower, the skill and determination and the most important the advanced weapons.

    Civil War was considered the first modern War in the World, because of new advanced weapons- rifled muskets, that cold reach 300 yards. Although, both sides had access to these weapons, North had the larger quantity. Union solders, were free people and some of Confederate solders were slaves, so the did not really care to fight. What were they defeating: slavery? The period after The Civil War was a very difficult time in The United States history.

    This time was known as The reconstruction Essay period, it was very controvertible. There were many issues that had to be considered such as what to do with the freed blacks in the South, and how states would be readmitted to the Union. This era saw the rise and fall of the radical Republicans, the government was going through a lot of changes, Southerners had to go through major changes not just in governmental system, they had to change their way of life. Southern way of life was destroyed, slavery was abolished, and residents of the South needed help to rebuild the economy. After the end of Civil War in1865, there was no definite plan for reconstructing the Union. This was a serious matter.

    In 1863 president Lincoln proposed his ten percent plan, its policy would allow seceding states return to the Union if 10% of their prewar voters took an oath of loyalty to the Union and abolished slavery. The plan did not force states to give equal rights to blacks. Ten percent plan was a good idea, but radical republicans felt, that it is not enough. They wanted equal rights for former slaves and a power of planter class destroyed.

    Congress formulated a stricter plan of Reconstruction, it proposed that Confederate states would be temporarily ruled by the military governor required half the white adult males to take an oath and restricted political power to the hard core Unionists in each state. Lincoln vetoed the plan, but his own plan could not succeed without the assistance of Congress either. Lincoln finally appeared ready to make concessions to the Radicals. At his final meeting, he approved placing the defeated South temporarily under military rule. But only a few days later Lincoln was assassinated and Lincolns final Reconstruction plan will never be known. In May of 1865 a new president A.

    Johnson unveiled his Reconstruction plan. Johnson gave pardons and restored property rights to former landowners if they pledged loyalty to the Union and the Constitution. Johnsons nothing to say about black people rights after the war. 1865 the southern states revised the slave codes into what became known as the black codes. This practically stripped blacks of equal rights and justice. In 1867 Radical Reconstruction began.

    Under this plan the South was divided into five districts (excluding Tennessee). General headed each of the districts. The main goal of the leaders of the state was to increase voter registration of blacks, and to see that white c confederates did not get back in to the office. During this time many things were done to free blacks in the South. The 13th amendment prohibited slavery in 1865. The Freedmens Bureau was created to assist black people with things such as education and housing.

    The Civil Rights Act of 1866 defined what civil rights were entitled to all citizens. The 14th amendment ratified in 1868 prohibited states from violating the rights of the citizens. 15th amendment in 1870 gave freedmen a right to vote. Black people still had no choice but to work for white landowners, except for wages, which were wery low. Whites wanted to keep the old system of labor and physical punishment. African Americans refused to work under such conditions.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Strengths and Weaknesses: North vs. South Essay. (2019, Apr 11). Retrieved from

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