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    Sonnets as Lyric Poetry Essay (808 words)

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    May gaze thro’ these faint smokes curling whitely, As thou plisse thy trade in this devil’s-smithy– Which is the poison to poison her, private? He is with her; and they know that I know Where they are, what they do: they believe my tears flow While they laugh, laugh at me, at me fled to the drear Empty church, to pray God in, for them! I am here. Grind away, moisten and mash up thy paste, Pound at thy powder, I am not in haste! Better sit thus, and observe thy strange things, Than go where men wait me and dance at the King’s. That in the mortar you call it a gum? Ah, the brave tree whence such gold oozing come!

    And yonder soft phial, the exquisite blue, Sure to taste sweetly, is that poison too? Differentiate the poetry and prose Poetry refers to poems, with or without rhyme schemes. Prose is writing a story,either fiction or nonfiction. Poetry and prose are both forms of expression in writing. Prose usually has fewer structural guidelines, and in some ways, that makes poetry more of an art form. Being able to express the same thought and image in fewer words, choosing more carefully, etc. , makes poetry more difficult to master than prose. Narrative Poetry Narrative poems include ballads and epics, and tell of societies and heroic deeds.

    They can also be very dramatic when telling of a particular situation. Edgar Allan Poe Following is an excerpt from The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe: Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore, While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. ” Its some visitor,’ I muttered, ‘tapping at my chamber door – Only this, and nothing more. ‘ Geoffrey Chaucer The Canterbury Tales, by Geoffrey Chaucer, is a classic example of narrative poetry.

    There are several different sections or books of the Canterbury Tales. Book I is known as The Knight’s Tale and an excerpt from this section provides a further illustration of narrative poetry: In days of old there lived, of mighty fame, A valiant Prince, and Theses was his name; The rising nor the setting sun beheld. Of Athens he was lord; much land he won, And added foreign countries to his crown. In Scythia with the warrior Queen he strove, Whom first by force he conquered, then by love; He brought in triumph back the beauteous dame, With whom her sister, fair Emilie, came. With honor to his home let Theses ride,

    With Love to friend, and Fortune for his guide, And his victorious army at his side. I pass their warlike pomp, their proud array, Their shouts, their songs, their welcome on the way; But, were it not too long, I would recite The feats of Amazons, the fatal fight Betwixt the hardy Queen and hero Knight; The town besieged, and how much blood it cost The female army, and the Athenian host; The spousal of Happily the Queen; What tilts and turners at the feast were seen; The storm at their return, the ladies’ fear: But these and other things I must forbear. Henry Headwords Longfellow

    Hiawatha by Henry Headwords Longfellow is another example of a lyric poem. Written in 1966, the poem contains many different chapters. Chapter 11, for example, covers Hiatus’s Wedding-Feast. An excerpt from this chapter tells the story of the wedding, including a special dance: First he danced a solemn measure, Very slow in step and gesture, In and out among the pine-trees, Through the shadows and the sunshine, Treading softly like a panther. Then more swiftly and still swifter, Whirling, spinning round in circles, Leaping o’er the guests assembled, Eddying round and round the wigwam, Till the leaves went whirling with him,

    Till the dust and wind together Swept in eddies round about him. Then along the sandy margin Of the lake, the Big-Sea-water, On he sped with frenzied gestures, Stamped upon the sand, and tossed it Wildly in the air around him; Till the wind became a whirlwind, Like great snowdrifts o’er the landscape, Heaping all the shores with Sand Dunes, Sand Hills of the Nagoya Woodrow! Vision We envision the University of Battings to BEA center of excellence committed to serve the broader community through quality education.

    Mission The University of Battings provides quality education by promoting personal and professional growth and nabbing the person to participate in a global, technology- and research-driven environment Philosophy The University of Battings, a stock non-sectarian, private educational institution, believes in the pursuit of knowledge, values and skills necessary for the preservation person, in the democratic process, in the reward for individual excellence, and in the freedom of a person to worship God according to his conscience.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Sonnets as Lyric Poetry Essay (808 words). (2018, Jan 11). Retrieved from

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