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    9/11: A Day of Infamy

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    On Sept. 11, 2001, A date that will live in infamy for Americans, terrorists attacked the World Trade Center in New York City.

    At 8:48 a. m. flight 11 crashed into the north tower. As it continued to burn a second plane flight 175 carrying 65 people crashed into the south tower around 9:05 a.

    m. . as smoke and debris fill the air in New York City after one of the World Trade Center towers collapsed. Police officers and rescue workers on the disaster scene in New York are covered in Ash that was two to three inches deep in places.

    People wandered dazed and terrified, Several firefighters coated with dust sat on the ground gasping for breath. One top fire official was asked if both towers had completely collapsed: “You can see what I can see, ” he responded. “We just have no idea. ” At least 202 firefighters and possibly up to 350 are missing,following the collapse of the World Trade Center. Fifty-seven NYPD and Port Authority police officers also are missing; The following day, crews were jolted by news that the death toll had actually increased from 5,422 to more than 6,300; After the names of hundreds of foreigners were added. More than a week after the attack on the World Trade Center, firefighters continue to wet down fires that sprouted up from within the wreckage.

    Officials were hesitant to switch the focus of their efforts from “rescue” to “recovery,” as many held out hope that survivors could still be pulled from the rubble. At the Pentagon, rescue workers faced a huge task sifting through piles of debris after the Sept. 11 attack. Forensics experts were struggling to identify the remains of many of the 189 people believed to be killed. What started as a bright sunny day turned to darkness.

    On December 7, 1941 American suffrage was started by the Japanese, in an act of war which then led to The United States entering the second world war. on September 11, 2001 The American soil was once again attacked, in an act led by terrorism which also directed The United States into war but not a world war, but a war against terrorism. Pearl harbor at 6:30 a. m. on December 7, 1941 six Japanese carriers launched its first wave of attack which consisted of one hundred and eighty-one different kinds of planes such as torpedo bombers, dive bombers, horizontal bombers, and fighters; as it was an unexpected attack in the hours before dawn U. S.

    Navy Vessels spotted an unidentified submarine near the entrance to pearl harbor. That very same submarine was attacked and reported as sunk by the navy destroyer U. S. S. Ward.

    One of the United States patrol plane’s reported to an operator at the Army Radar Station at Opama. The pilot said “the first wave of attack is on it’s way”. The officer in charge did not act upon the pilot’s information reason being of vague information. The officer took caution in making any judgments on what to do so he put the entire military base on standby. According to the radar sightings the planes were passed off as American Planes due for landing at Pearl Harbor Military Base. The purpose of the wave of attack was to destroy our aircrafts so they would not rise and intercept their fighters and bombers, also twenty-one ships of the U.

    S. Pacific Fleet was sunk or damaged. One hundred and eighty-eight American Aircrafts were destroyed and 159 aircrafts were damaged. Less than 10% of the Japanese aircrafts returned to their carriers. The United States casualties were 68 civilians and 1,178 military Americans were killed. The attacks of pearl harbor are comparable to those of September 11, 2001.

    For many reasons such as: they were both surprise attacks, In pearl harbor the first wave of fighter planes attacked, on September 11th a group of terrorist intentionally crashed into the world trade center causing destruction and ciaos. Another situation why these two are similar is the involvement into war such as these tragic events, World War Two and the war against terrorism. These two events took place on american soil thus causing the nation to unite. Although many were killed this nation will always unite in time of need. The American people will prevail as it has before and will continue in the future. The tragic events of pearl harbor in December 7,1941 and September 11, 2001 are so much alike and so very much different.

    The United States entered a war when Japan attacked the United States. When the terrorist attacked the U. S. we declared war against terrorism.

    The Terrorist attacked us in 2001 causing 6,300 civilians casualties; When Japan attacked us in 1941 2,400 people died. The difference beingpearl harbor was a military base and the actions on September 11th was more targeted to the worlds economy and the United States safety. I learned by writing this paper that history tends to repeat itself. We as American people have to know to stand united and to be strong for each other, so this beautiful country can prosper.

    This country will not fall in the hands of an opposing oppressor. We have freedom because many different races of American solders fought in past battles and wars to keep those freedoms alive. If we don’t keep this country from getting stripped of it’s freedom the entire United States population will possibly be next. Who knows what lies ahead all people need to realize that we need not to resolve this in acts of war but be civil and resolve it on pen and paper. The strongest words that any one can say is “where do I sign” these words can resolve issues.

    I learned to use the power of education to work around war but not to build instruments of war. To keep peace and plan ahead because if you don’t you’ll be unprepared and not able to handle the situation that arise.Bibliography:

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    9/11: A Day of Infamy. (2019, Jan 23). Retrieved from

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