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    Music playing Essay (926 words)

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    In this essay I will be directing the final scene of Willy Russell’s ‘Blood Brothers’. I will use all aspects of theatre for example lighting and sound etc, etc. The time this play was written in Liverpool (where it was written) there was a lot of classing going on which in this play is a theme that makes the play what it is. Throughout the whole play the classes are affecting the two brother’s relationships in many different ways. This at the time in Liverpool was also happening where there was a lot of class divinisation.

    To be able to perform this scene effectively I think that we need to make the audience feel the play not just watch it. This will be done through many things such as lighting. These have to come in the right place at the right time otherwise the scene will look unprofessional. I think when the emotion anger is present there should be red lighting however it shouldn’t be too dark otherwise the facial expressions will not be able to be seen.

    During the time of anger there should be music that reflects the atmosphere on the stage and around it. I think fast heavy music that shows violence anger and hatred all in one. On the other hand there will also be the atmosphere of sadness. I think that the colour light blue represents this very well and spotlighting the person/s that are sad. Slow sad music playing in the background. However when there is tension or tension building up slow drum beat in the background and plain white light so that the audience can see clearly what is happening.

    From here I will pin point key points of the last scene that I will direct directly to ensure that they are done to a good standard that they deserve to be. I will split the final scene into three parts which I will talk about separately. The first scene where Mickey confronts Edward is very good because it combines more than 1 emotion together that is very effective. Before Mickey enters Edward is in a conference of some sort where he is addressing everyone formally. As soon as Mickey enters the atmosphere completely changes where Mickey is now the person in the advantage with a gun in his hand. Where they meet I think is a special moment for both however Mickey angry doesn’t feel the good side of the confrontation on the audience do. This I think is where two emotions (sadness and anger) are present.

    Before they talk there should be a long silence where Mickey and Edward just look at each other showing that there is tension growing (the drum beat). Finally, no sound, but a faint red light showing Mickey’s anger while the conversation is happening. The conversation between theses two I think is split into 2 bits one where there is sadness the other angry. At the beginning sadness where Mickey talks about his life, then suddenly angry when he confronts Edward about seeing Linda. So here there are mixed emotions which prove effective as the audience don’t know what to expect next.

    Then when the police and Mrs Johnstone enter this is where the drum beat should begin. This will show the audience that something is about to happen but not clear on what will. When Mrs Johnstone walks down the aisle towards the boys the drum beat should increase in tempo, and then suddenly stop when she stops. Then absolute silence as she looks at both of her children and suddenly the out burst from Mickey; ‘Go away Mam…Mam you go away from here’. She refuses then suddenly the sympathy for his mother turns to anger as Mickey gets frustrated by shouting; ‘Mam!’ Here the music should go bang! (or even a very loud noise) where the outburst shocks the audience. This is where the scene should end.

    The final scene should be the most effective since it is this where everything changes. When Mrs Johnstone comes out into the blue about Mickey and Edward here is where the music stops as if even the musicians are surprised the timing of the information. Then from deep inside him the truth came out, this would be shown if he was spotlighted and singled out from the other two. The spotlight would stay in him until he completes his speech and then the gunshot, this will also happen while he’s in the spotlight, he will also be shot by the policemen in the spotlight until he finally dies and falls to the ground as soon as he hits the ground is where the spotlight comes off him and u see the damage caused him and his brother both lying on the floor side by side and a gun in between them and blood flowing out. While the gun battle was happening I would have a smoke machine running so that the damage would look catastrophic.

    For the next bit I think that any slow music would work well. In my opinion the music wouldn’t be effective but the lyrics of the song make all the difference. Slowly as Mrs Johnstone and Company walk around the two bodies singing. End To conclude this essay I have shown my way of getting the audience ‘involved’ in the play. When I say involved I mean for them to feel not just watch the play and to take it away with them. The lighting, sound would all make the changes and the changes for the better.

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    Music playing Essay (926 words). (2017, Oct 04). Retrieved from

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