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    Movie Summary – Gattaca Essay (562 words)

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    The movie “Gattaca” by Andrew Niccol is a movie set in the near future. The movie is basically about Vicente, who is one of the last naturally born babies. Once born they are automatically born with diseases and may die sooner, in Vincent’s case his life expectancy was 30 years and 2 monts. His number one dream since he was a little boy was to go up to the space. He met a guy named Jerome, a disable who had been in a car accident, agrees with Vicente to take his identity in order to enter the Gattaca Corporation. There was many noticeable themes during the movie, however the strongest one were perfection, potential and determination.

    First theme present in the movie was potential. In my opinion, potential is the main theme during the entire movie. In order for Vincent to increase his potential, he was willing to get gene modification. Society associated in-valid as incompetent and they would definitely not accept them. Even the police did everything they could when they found out there was a in-valid working at the Gattaca. They could not stand that an in-valid could become better than the rest. However, some examples were shown during the movie where people do exceed their potential and one of them was when Vincent beat his brother and swimming.

    Another theme present in the movie was potential. In my opinion, potential is the main theme during the entire movie. In order for Vincent to increase his potential, he was willing to get gene modification. Society associated in-valid as incompetent and they would definitely not accept them. Even the police did everything they could when they found out there was a in-valid working at the Gattaca. They could not stand that an in-valid could become better than the rest. However, some examples were shown during the movie where people do exceed their potential and one of them was when Vincent beat his brother and swimming.

    Last, determination plays another role during the movie. In order for him to have a better life he needs to have determination. Even since he was a little boy, he would look up in the sky and at some point in the movie he even said that one day his will make up there. He refused to think that he was different and was determinate to prove everyone that he was as good as them if not even better. When Vincent and his brother had their last swim race, he kept going even thought his brother stopped. At some point he was downing while Vincent saved him. He knew that he has the strength to beat his and he never looked back.

    The main idea of that scene was that people’s spirit will over rule physical perfection. In conclusion, potential and determination was the common themes shown in the movie where Vincent did accomplish his dream to go up the space. Even thought Vincent was born as an in-valid, I truly believe he did beat the genetic engineering in order for him to become someone that he wanted to be even if his family did not believe he would ever make it up to space. One lesson I learned from the movie was that no matter what obstacles we have in front of us, we could always go around them in order to achieve our dreams.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Movie Summary – Gattaca Essay (562 words). (2018, Jul 24). Retrieved from

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