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    In Defense of Military Pay Essay

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    I was in the Army for more than twenty years, and I can say that joining the military was the best decision I have ever made. There are many differences between military and civilian pay and benefits. The Military gets pay base on your pay grade and time in service, based on a pay scale issued by defense finance and accounting services (DFAS). According to the fiscal year 2014, military pay scale the average enlisted service member E-1 with two years of service in the military is paid $1,532. 00 per month and an E-9 with 10 years of service in the military is paid $4,837. 00.

    Civilians get paid either hourly or on a salary. When I join the Military was because, of job security, pay, good education benefits and an excellent retirement system, this are just a few of the top reasons I seek federal employment. Others consider government careers because of desirable travel opportunities, training availability, different occupations and the ability to locate jobs nationwide and overseas. One of the benefits Military service member receive is free housing or Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) is an allowance to offset the cost of housing when you do not received government provided housing.

    Your BAH depend upon your location, pay grade, and if you are married or single, based on a pay scale issued by defense finance and accounting services (DFAS) military pay scale the average enlisted soldier E-1 and E-2 with dependents get paid $2,607. 00 per month, without dependents they get paid $1,956. 00 per month and an E-9 with dependents get paid $3,696. 00 per month, without dependents he gets paid $2,832. 00 per month. This benefits service are for members leaving off post. Single soldiers E-4 and below have to leave in the barracks, they have their own rooms but they have to share kitchen and bathrooms.

    In the civilian sector most jobs will not offer any additional pay for housing. The second benefit that Military service member receive is Basic Allowance for Subsistence, this allowance is to cover for their meals. This allowance is not intended to cover the cost of meals for family members. Enlisted members with less than 4 months of service used to be paid BAS at a lower rate. That difference was eliminated in 2002. BAS used to be calculated on a daily basis. That means that a person who received BAS got just little bit more during months that had 31 days in them and a little bit less during the month of February.

    In 2002, congress changed the law so that BAS is a set monthly rate. BAS for enlisted soldiers is $357. 55 a month. Officers get paid $242. 60 a month. In the civilian side jobs don’t offer any additional pay for meals. The third benefit that the Military has is free health care. Military members receive medical, dental and vision care. Military personnel don’t have to put any out of pocket money. In addition, the spouse and dependent children of an active-duty member may also enroll in military Health Care (a small enrollment fee and annual deductible may apply).

    In the civilian sector healthcare in most jobs is not available until a set amount of time has been worked or you are a full-time employee. The family members are not covered unless health care has been purchased for the additional family member. Vision and dental care has to be purchased through the employer if available or from outside resource. Another benefit that Military has is Military Tuition Assistance. The military tuition assistance is a benefit paid to eligible service member of the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and Coast Guard.

    Congress has giving each service the ability to pay up to 100% for the tuition expenses of its members while they are still on active duty. Army service member have a tuition assistance of $4,500. 00 for fiscal year. Navy service member have 16 semester hours per fiscal year not to exceed $4,000. 00 per fiscal year. Marines TA would be authorized for only one course. Coast Guard have 75% of the tuition assistance not to exceed 187. 50 per credit hour. In addition military spouse can get up to $4,000. 00 for tuition assistance.

    In the civilian side they have to pay out of pocket to go to school or try to get a grant or loan. In conclusion I think if Military services member would add their basic pay, basic allowance for housing, basic allowance for subsistence, Cost of Leaving allowance and their Military Health Care; they will notice that Military services members are better off than Civilians. I know military service members have to work longer hours 24/7, be on call and sometimes worked on the weekends; but adding all the allowance up, I’m sure military soldiers get a good monthly pay check.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    In Defense of Military Pay Essay. (2018, Aug 04). Retrieved from

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