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    Hurricane Devastation Of Hurricane Katrina Essay

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    Anthony CollMrs. O’ConnorEnglish 12 Level IIDecember 3rdHurricane Katrina Hurricane Katrina ranked a category 3 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson scale began to form on August 23, 2005 over the islands of the bahamas. Hurricane Katrina packed winds of 100-140 MPH and a width of 400 miles. The U.S.

    reported over 90,000 square miles were affected by the storm and calculated it cost three times more than the horrific World Trade Center terrorist attack on september 11th. The storm was nicknamed “The Hand of God” for its complete destruction of the southern coast. Katrina was and still is consider the most costly and most tragic American natural disaster causing more the 100 billion U.S. dollars worth of damage and taking nearly 2,000 lives. Katrina focused its damage mainly on the city of New Orleans.

    A thirty foot storm surge tacked on by 140 MPH winds crushed the city leaving 80% of the city flooded and hundreds of thousands of citizens left homeless. Katrina effect five states those being Louisiana, Alabama, FLorida, Texas, Mississippi. The two countries it damaged was the Islands of the Bahamas and the United States. Katrina destroyed over 3,000 local Louisiana business causing nearly 190,000 citizens to lose their job bringing the Unemployment rate to 30% in the city of New Orleans. The Bush presidential legacy was destroyed and the city of New Orleans ravaged by Hurricane Katrina which heavily impacted the economy the everyday life of New Orleans and 4 other cities plus the Bahamas. George W.

    Bush the 43rd president of the United States was blamed for the poor relief effort after Katrina settled. George Bush started his political career as the 46th governor of Texas. He held office from 1995 to 2005. George’s father George . .nd carried away barrier islands that were suppose to protect to coast.

    The marches were pummeled with salt water leaving the ecosystem of one of the world’s largest most valuable estuaries hanging on a thread. The Pearl River Forest reported to have lost 719 million board feet of timber valued at $335 million dollars. Hurricane Katrina beginning as big as it was and as strong as it was damaged several places. The islands of the Bahamas was the first victim of the storm before it reached the pan handle of the U.S. state Florida.

    Many coastal fishing and tourist cities were struck such as Morgantown Louisiana, Biloxi Mississippi, New Orleans Louisiana, and Mobile Alabama. Those five cities were reported to receive the most damage out of the many cities hit. Water did not recede for weeks in the islands of the Bahamas due to the mass amounts of flooding in the area.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Hurricane Devastation Of Hurricane Katrina Essay. (2019, Feb 17). Retrieved from

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