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    Harlem Renaissance flashcard

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    Largest concentration of African Americans in the world per capita. NYC. North of 96th st. in Manhattan. Highly urban and only three square miles
    rebirth, rediscovery. an exodus of sorts from South to more racially tolerant urban areas in the North
    What divided African Americans within Harlem?
    It turened into the ____ vs. the _____
    low life and social elite
    How can music help bring people together?
    Giving people something in common to connect over
    What instrument helped to bridge the gap in Harlem?
    What two things were important in this art form (Harlem Stride)
    innovation and liveliness
    Harlem stride appeared towards the end of
    Harlem stride featured
    a lot of improvisation
    What was Harlem Stride later called and why did it change
    Stride Piano; changed because it spread out of Harlem
    Name two popular dances
    Fox trot, the shimmy, the black bottom, the varsity
    James P Johnson lived between
    Who wrote the charleston
    James P. Johnson
    How did James P. Jonhson’s wife find him in the streets of Harlem when he engaged in Piano Battles?
    By walking through the streets listening for Pianos
    Willie “the Lion” Smith lived from
    How did Willie Smith get his nickname?
    He spent a month on the front lines during world war I and received it for his bravery
    what was Willie Smith’s nick name
    The Lion
    when did Thomas “Fats” waller live
    What is a rent party?
    a party where tenants would have a musician to play and pass the hat around to raise money to pay the rent
    How much did it cost to get into a rent party?
    25 cents
    what is a piano roll
    its for a player piano, is a roll that has a song on it that the player piano will play, was paper that had holes in it
    Describe how a piano roll works
    it has holes in it that coordinate with the rods that played the correct notes to a song.
    Why might people be interested in having these
    B/c they didn’t have to pay for a musician to come and play and people who owned them didn’t have to know how to play a piano
    Art Tatum lived
    What is different about Art Tatum
    blind iin one eye and only partial sight in the other
    some formal training, but was mostly self taught
    took and early interest in the music of Fats Waller
    What did Art Tatum’s teacher try to get him to play?
    Classical music
    What did Ferdinand “Jelly Roll” Morton write?
    The Black Bottom Stomp
    How was Ferdinand “Jelly Roll” Morton’s Black Bottom Stomp different from most songs during this era
    It focused on other instruments not just the piano
    Jelly Roll was a
    Pianist and a band leader
    several melodies at the same time
    Jelly Roll brought together several African American Musical elements including
    blue notes, jazz harmonies, loser beat that helped move this style (stomp) bowards “Dixieland”
    Louis Armstrong played
    trumpet/ cornet
    Louis Armstrong was known for
    his playing and scat singing
    The Apollo theater is a symbol of the
    African American way of life
    Whhy was it an important place for many Harlem Renaissance performers?
    Venue for their talents, a place that would let them play there, gave them their start
    The Apollo theater is the most ______ ______ of the Harlem Renaissance.
    Physical legacy
    Name two people who got their stat at the Apollo Theater
    Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Sarah Vaughan
    What invention made the Apollo Theater fall into a decline in the late 1960’s?
    In the Cotton Club African American performers played to
    Mixed audiences
    The Cotton Club attracted two types of people
    Harlem residents
    white New Yorkers
    Write four things you feel are important from the video clip of the Cotton Club
    was racist
    Portrayed blacks as salvages
    rued survace to performers
    started by Jack Johnson (a heavy weight boxer)
    was in the middle of Harlem
    was sold to a murderer whos plans where to sell his beer
    largest most estravagant club in Harlem History
    Why did so many African Americans migrate to norther cities in the early 20th century?
    they wanted to take advantage of factory jobs
    what did African Americans create due to the racist social attitudes
    black metropolises
    where was the starting point for the modern black artistic movement?
    what became a priority for African AMerican after World War I?
    Legal protection
    what was the conviction all of the African American groups sharred
    the idea of a “New Negro”
    What idea did Langston Hughes endorse in his essay, “The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain”?
    that the arts could have a positive role to play in the betterment of the black community
    What four points do critics and historians debate over in regards to the Harlem Renaissance?
    -That the Harlem Renaissance ran its course by the mid 1930s
    -The Great Depression ate away at much of the philantropy and other support that allowed black artists to experiment with their craft
    -that the movement continued in other cities like Chicago
    – Am emphases on a celebration of black cultures neglects the difficulties of living conditions during the Great Depression
    What is the general agreement pertaining to the Harlem Renaissance
    it was critical to the understanding of the 20th century American art and culture

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    Harlem Renaissance flashcard. (2017, Aug 28). Retrieved from

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