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Student Essay Examples

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Essay Examples

Essay topics

Diaspora in International Students: Identity Markers for Diaspora

Cultural Identity


Words: 1623 (7 pages)

In order to understand the experiences of diaspora with international students at Sacred Heart University (SHU), it is important to be able to identify the factors that affect, influence and distinguish the cultural identity (country of origin) and the diasporic identity (country of residence). Theories and findings on identity and diaspora in research studies conducted…

Fear of Failure among Students (448 words)



Words: 448 (2 pages)

“A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.” I share this quote by John Shedd with students each year in the hopes of building their sense of adventure and cultivating a willingness to step out of their comfort zone. I share it because so many students are crippled…

My Experience as Medical Student

Personal Experience


Words: 730 (3 pages)

My first code blue as a medical student was quite an experience. With adrenaline coursing through my body, along with tachycardia and perspiration, I performed my first CPR on a patient that is unstable. I was able to see how swift action and accurate teamwork are important to keep a patient alive. After multiple rounds…

Student Roles and Responsibilities for the Master of Counseling Marria Essay



Words: 445 (2 pages)

ge, Familyand Child Therapy SpecialtyStudent Roles and Responsibilities for the Master of Counseling Marria Essayge, Familyand Child Therapy SpecialtyThe student roles and responsibilities of the Masters of Counseling inMarriage, Family and Child Therapy (MCMFCT) at the University of Phoenix are toadvance competent and ethical practitioners in family, couple and individualtherapy in a variety of settings….

My Personal Goals as a Student Essay

My Goals


Words: 699 (3 pages)

An obvious goal as a working adult returning to school is, of course, to earn a degree. My overall goal is no different than any other student, however, I also have several personal goals I hope to achieve while attending the University of Phoenix. Some of these goals are to acquire new skills and enhance…

Reaction Paper On Students Cheating Essay


Words: 364 (2 pages)

While reading Generation What? Connecting with Today’s Youth I found myself disagreeing with some of the points made by author Carol Tell. I am a mix between a Generation X-er and this new un-name generation. However, I did agree with a few ideas. I mostly definitely disagree with the statistics stating, “9 out of 10…

Student Support Programs And Extracurricular Activities Essay

Extracurricular Activities


Words: 378 (2 pages)

Becoming involved on campus in extracurricular activities and student support programs allow students to gain access to many academic benefits during their community college journey. Unfortunately, according to Abell and Schmid (2003) many community college students attend these institutions without ever becoming involved. There are many factors that contribute to student’s lack of involvement on…

Public Speaking Anxiety And Its Effect On Students Essay

Public Speaking


Words: 696 (3 pages)

Public Speaking Anxiety And Its Effect On Students Essay Introduction Public speaking anxiety is a problem for many people. Some say that it is the number one fear of Americans over death. There have been many studies done in the general field of public speaking anxiety. I am going to review five articles that touch…

The Benefits of Extracurricular Activities for Studentss Essay

Extracurricular Activities


Words: 365 (2 pages)

It is important for adolescents to participate in extracurricular activities. Student who participate in these activities improve their academic scores and social life. Extracurricular activities can also help reduce many peer pressure related problems. “They enrich the lives of the students, their families and our communities. These activities create well rounded children who learn what…

Essay about I Am A Student Growth Mindset Essay

Growth Mindset


Words: 509 (3 pages)

Many people are two types of mindset, one is growth mindset and fixed mindset. Well I have a fixed mindset person and the fixed mindset person feels that they can’t pass the class they going to start collapsing and going to make the class setback. As we are students, we need to face our anxiety…

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My Intent to Get a Study Abroad Scholarship of Global Ugrad

The Problem of Underage Drinking in University

Why Undergraduate Students Need to Involve in Politics

Why Should School Start Later: Argumentative Essay

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Tutoring Students with ADHD

The Ways not to Be Exhausted

The Subculture of Student-athletes

The Study on Undergraduate’s Readiness to Adapt E- Learning Technology in Sri Lanka

The Rewards of Original Thinking

The Problems Related to Student Loan Debt

The Problem of The Lack of Punctuality and Why Students Should Be Penalized for Being Late

The Problem of Mental Disorders Among School Students

The Need to Provide Right Attitudes About Food Waste Among Students

The Impact of Loan Debt on Student’s Financial Plans

The College Life Requires Commitment

The Benefits of Volunteering for Both Students and Communities

Tardiness and Lateness as School Problems

Students Attitude and Teaching Tips

School Uniform and Its Benefits for Students

Reasons Why Students Should Be Obligated to Do Volunteering Work

Procrastination Self Efficacy and Exam Anxiety Among High School Students

Problems and Solutions of Procrastination Regarding Time Management and Academic Success

My Potential to Become a Part of National Honor Society

Mental Health Wellness

Involvement in Extracurricular Activities and Its Benefits

Impact of The Nature of The Neighborhood on The Racial Formation of The Students’ Body

How Homesickness Can Affect Academic Performance of Students

History Lies

Factors Influencing Major Selection by College/university Students

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How should students study?
10 Study Tips for College Students
  • 1. Take good notes Taking good notes during class can drastically improve your test scores. ...
  • 2. Find a good study space While your friends may swear by studying in the library, that may not be the best space for you. ...
  • 3. Make flashcards ...
  • 4. Don’t cram ...
  • 5. Get enough sleep ...
  • 6. Stay organized ...
  • 7. Take breaks ...
  • 8. Use mnemonic devices ...
How to study like a college student?
How to Study in College: 12 Powerful Tips for Lasting Success
  1. Lay the groundwork. Ever wonder how some college students manage to pass their exams without studying in the immediate days (or nights) leading up to them?
  2. Start with the right mindset. How you approach your studies can affect how much you get out of them. ...
  3. Make a study schedule. ...
  4. Space out your study times. ...
  5. Choose a study place (or two). ...
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