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    Eminem paper review Essay (695 words)

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    In like Eminem says, why all the fuss? featured in The Age journalist Shaun Carney defends Eminem and his lyrics. Carny stresses that Eminem winning the category should not be so controversial when Mathers is clearly depicting a role. His contention through out the article is to convince the reader to refrain from reaching to eminem, as a parody. Carny effectively seeks the neutral role during the story. He leans neither way.

    Carny signifies specific word choice and language devices to shock his audience and to create an underlying sense of non-prejudice, realistic view on society perhaps to open up the views of a small-minded prejudice race. Carnys headline is very striking it creates tension and almost gives a sense of obligation to the audience to read on. Carneys headline is used as a device to capture the readers immediate attention. This foreshadows the final remark made by Carny, so much for scandal, now leaving the reader with a question , a parallel between start and finish tightly constructing the article. This clever technique leaves the reader open handed and open-minded to think about the actual topic of the article.

    Though Carnys contention through-out the article is to suggest Eminem is Just Joking, he is not all, scared of presenting Marshall as not so nice explaining him as a 28 year old production of a peripatetic white-trash upbrining. Then contradicting himself saying Mathers all wounded and victimised by his sole-parent upbrining . Is this not a slight use of sarcasm? putting himself in the biased head of an out reaged parent. Carney conveys his opinion in a very structured way. He uses Eminem song lyrics to show that he is a role player and only joking, Im just playin ladies. You know I love you.

    Carney uses other examples to reassure people say the situations he raps about are just clownin. Although readers may not realise, Carney these more realistic, human-like comments as a source of evidence to back up his contention that eminem are not real, Marshall Mathers is an actor playing a role, ultimately just doing his job. Carneys clever style of writing indicates a strong point of view defending Eminem , but his style of writing has allowed the reader to make their own decision, giving a fair balance between good and bad. Eminem deals in some very sick stuff, no doubt about it, but again goes on to say, Eminem is a skillfull storyteller and role player. He also emphises that Slim Shady aka Eminem and the real person Marshall Mathers are two different people, he is the fictional character Slim Shady.

    Throughout the article Carney was subjected to use his own unique style of writing and word choice. The stress and harshness of some of his phrases and bitter sarcastic sentences, violent, homophobic, and misogynistic, and, his work is long, aggressive, revenge fantasy, although its not direct repition it sounds somewhat similar sounding. He shocks the audience with You dont want to f____ with shady or he will f____ you. The reader considers the songs thought provoking a decision and taking into consideration the harshness.

    He doesnt use language devices because its not a funny article. The tone and word choice gives us the impression that it is serious, no jokes here. Perhaps Carney relates to Eminem on a more personal level. There is modern exposure, and wide experience, he is a young writer, he is almost similar to them, he understands Eminem. This story is a collum of opinion not an editorial.

    Carnys use of irony makes his readers really think about Eminem and his lyrics, . . or another tune, cousin Dupree: about a man propositioning his young cousin, wins the album of the year grammy. Carney informs his audience that Eminems lyrics are not the only ones containing violent actions and language anyway Damn, how much damage can you do with a pen? Carney suggests that Eminem and his critics may be alike, Youll find the rapper, his critics and peers have a lot in common, its just that they despise him because of the way he sings is. Carney highlights that most of the music these days is the same anyway.


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    Eminem paper review Essay (695 words). (2019, Jan 09). Retrieved from

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