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    Christopher Columbus’ Life Essay

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    Christopher Columbus Essay was an Italian navigator. He was born in 1451 in Genoa, Italy. He was the oldest of three sons. He was the first European to sail across the Atlantic Ocean. He began working at sea early and moved to Portugal. He got married to Felipa Perestello e Moniz in 1479 and had a son in 1480 named Diego.

    A few years later Felipa died, and Columbus began another relationship with Beatriz Enriquez de Harana of Cordoba and had his second son Ferdinand. Columbus first voyage he departed from the port of Palos in southern Spain, on August 2, 1492, in command of three ships: the Nia, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. They first called at the Canary Islands and got delayed there for four weeks. While sailing in Cuba on November 22, Martin Alonso Pinzon, captain of the Pinto, left the two other ships and sailed on his own.

    Columbus continued with the other two ships. On Christmas Eve the Santa Maria sank. He then used the remaining of that ship and built a new one called the La Navidad. On January 6th Columbus came upon the Pinto and returned back to Spain with it. The two ships then departed Hispaniola from Samana Bay on January 16, but then separated again by bad storms.

    Columbus then arrived at Lisbon on March 4 and finally made it back home at Palos on March 15, 1493. A few days later Pinzon arrived in Lisbon and died a few days later. After the First voyage Christopher Columbus took a break before beginning the second one. The fleet left Hierro in the Canary Islands on October 13, 1493 with 17 ships. After sailing for 3 weeks straight then stopped in the West Indies on November 3rd. the fleet the n moved North to Dominica and Puerto Rico before arriving at Hispaniola on November 22.

    Returning to his fortress on November 22 in Navidad he found all the men that he left at the first voyage dead. On December 8th he found a new town that he named La Isabela. After four months he finally sailed from Isabela with three ships to find China. He reached Cuba and sailed the coast.

    He left there and reached Jamaica on May 3rd and left their on the 13th and returned back to Cuba. He finally gave up on June 13th and returned back to Hispaniola on August 20, 1494. By the end of September he was seriously ill and set sail from Isabela on March 10, 1496 and returned to Portugal on June 8th with 2 ships and the second voyage was complete. Columbus left the port of Sanlucar in Spain on May 30, 1498 with six ships, bound for the new world on his third voyage. The ships arrived at Gomera in the Canary Islands on June 19. Three of the ships separated and went to Hispaniola and the other three were commanded by Columbus.

    He then sailed southwest from the Cape Verdes on July 4th. Waters were getting very short so he sailed to Dominica. A few days later they spotted a Island that Columbus named Trinidad. On the 13th they sailed to the gulf of Paria. At this time Columbus was in very bad shape. They then arrived at Hispaniola on August 19, 1498.

    Ferdinand and Isabela became royal commissioner with powers above Columbus . On October of 1500 Columbus was arrested by Bobadilla and he was sent back to Spain. Christopher Columbus departs from Spain with four ships on May 11, 1502 and arrives in Hispaniola in June 6th. After sailing for a couple months he finds garrison at Rio Belen. Garrison was attacked by Indians a few months later.

    On April 16 1503 Columbus leaves Rio Belen to go home. On November 11th, 1504 Columbus makes it back to Spain. He only managed to live only 2 more years and died on May 20th, 1506 at Valladolid.Bibliography: .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Christopher Columbus’ Life Essay. (2019, Apr 18). Retrieved from

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