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    American Idol Case Essay (609 words)

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    Case 2. 1 American Idol: A Big Hit for Marketing Research? 1. What steps of the six-step marketing research process are evident in this case? According to Case 2. 1. The steps are: a) Problem Definition. – The definition of the problem presented when Marcello & Litzenberger analyze that professionals resistance to pursing marketing research. b) Only Mentioned Development of an Approach to the Problem. – This step occurs when they identify the information that they needed to make their objective (demonstrating the usefulness of marketing research) or theoretical framework come true, and make hypotheses. ) Research Design Formulation. – This next step is acquired when the characters decided to “what to do” to obtain the information, they analyze the research design for conducting their marketing research. d) Fieldwork or Data Collection. – This step is seen when Lizenberger and Marcello decide to went to Research Corporation to make the Data Collection, to ask the questions of the analysis. e) Data Preparation and Analysis. – When they had the data, they planed to make an analysis to reflected on the futures courses of action they could take. ) Report Preparation and Presentation. – They could drop the whole idea of demonstrating the usefulness of marketing research. 2. What is the role of marketing research in marketing decision making suggested by this case? The role of marketing research was to chow to all the professional that is a tool that includes consulting skills, technical proficiency and sound management, to provide information that this professional can use to improve their companies, to identify marketing problems and solution problems that is (suggested in the case 2. ). They have an idea to know the reason that people see the chow American Idol and improve a decision to raise the spectators that’s see this program. 3. Define the management decision problem confronting Melissa Marcello and Julie Lizenberger and a corresponding marketing research problem and show the linkages between the two. Marcello knows that marketing research can ive an enterprises a decisions that reduce the risk and Lizenberger want to improve a decision making a marketing research, that’s why the problem starts to make that professional trust in marketing studies (what still needs to be now about the viewers and voters and voters for contestants of popular TV show American Idol? ), they need to take a risk that they don’t need to take, but the revenue (decision) is bigger than the risk, they can make a change in all professional workers believe in marketing research. 4. If Marcello and Lizenberger decide to conduct this study, what research they adopt?

    Relate different phrases of the research design to specify aspects of marketing research problems. They need to make a qualitative research; they can improve a decision to contract a research company to obtain the data collection, with the information they can design a framework for conduct the study (how they are going to keep the analysis). They determine possible answers to the research questions (what spectator says), this study need to test the hypothesis (American Idol Case), to provide the information needed for the conclusion (share with professionals that’s marketing research is a good idea).

    The design should guide the consideration, including the benefits and cost of this study. 5. What kind of secondary and syndicated data would be helpful in addressing the questions raised by Marcello and Lizenberger? What is the role-played by such data? They should recollect the data by Internet survey, I think is a good idea to buy the database of people that voted in the last American Idol, and send to all people the questions that make an evaluation of the field force for help to complete the objective.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    American Idol Case Essay (609 words). (2018, Oct 22). Retrieved from

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